
Showing posts from 2010

Eight Viruses Affecting our Prayer

Prayer is a theological meeting place where our spirituality is nourished and deepened. Yet, prayer, like all the other elements necessary for a healthy living, is affected by various diseases. Eight viruses have proofed to be a threat to prayer. I enlist as follows: 1. The habit of wordy prayers. 2. Fear of silence. 3. Prayer that is void of the encounter with God. 4. Superficial prayer that does not reach to the problems within. 5. Prayer that does not accept decisions. 6. Lack of enough time for prayer. 7. Little or no word of God in our prayer. 8. Praying without prior preparation. To the question, what is wrong with my pra yer? we have to find out which virus is eating into our lives. Love must be put in everything for anything to make sense, even prayer. Do you really pray?

From Nairobi ...

I begun my "one-month annual holiday" yesterday. Since this is a time to rest [not to idle around!], I've chosen to draw a "budget" for myself. And I present it for my pals to shape my vacation. A FEW POINTS TO WORK ON - The certitude that I’m called to witness the love of God regardless of whatever feelings I may have. - Suffering is part of the art of loving the poor. How else can we explain that God stays on the part of the suffering poor? - Luke 8:18, be careful how you listen! - Share more personal vulnerability: this clears the image of a perfect person that people may have of me. - Express gratitude more openly and enthusiastically. It bespeaks of joy and satisfaction in life. To do …. - Rest more often and let the fatigue died out. - Pray and pray with my life. - Visit my family, friends, and relatives for easy moments and catching up. - Help my brothers and sisters where need be. Deo Gratias!

On Vocation Discernment

Practical things to do I am closing this series of reflections with you, my dear brothers and sisters, by placing here a few practical things to do on your journey of vocation discernment. The idea behind is to develop a close relationship with God. God’s presence in your life is the surest way to develop certainty in what you believe your call is. “Among those totally dedicated to the service of the Gospel, are priests, called to preach the word of God, administer the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation, committed to helping the lowly, the sick, the suffering, the poor, and those who experience hardship in areas of the world where there are, at times, many who still have not had a real encounter with Jesus Christ.” - Pope Benedict XVI, Message for the 45th World Day of prayer for Vocations Practical Suggestions • Daily Mass. The sacrifice of the Mass is the Church's greatest prayer of praise. At Mass we are fed and nourished by God's work and the Bo...

A Thank you Note!

I've for sometimes wanted to do this. I now have settled, finally, to do it. I wanted to express my gratitude to you all who have been following my blog, Missions and Adventures, since its birth sometimes ago. A reader in Italy suggested that I turn some of its posts into a book. Thank you for that. Meanwhile, so many have been reading and commenting on this through Facebook, thanks to the interlink technology. I have always written the posts which are then turned into notes and posted directly into my wall. While that lasts, since my tradition has been to express gratitude to individuals, I will do that directly. For anyone interested in seeing what there is at, welcome. Deo Gratias!

I Feel at Home

“I feel at Home”: Building a sense of Belonging and Responsibility Introduction I have entitled this reflection, “I feel at Home”, for personal reasons. I will not need to explain that because it will slowly dawn unto you why I chose it as we go on with the reflection. I feel that talking to Cottolengo followers about feeling at home is like talking about my own nose. I do not see it unless by use of a mirror, and obviously the best mirror is my brother/sister. Regardless of how much I try to do it, he/she will see better than I do. Anyway, I will attempt to make you believe that I know the shape of my nose. In this reflection, we will be guided by Matthew 24:45-51, it is about preparedness. Let us read it. A quick look at this passage shows that Jesus is particularly interested in [i] self-awareness—which I will call the concern for one’s well being now and in the life to come; [ii] sense of responsibility—in other words, the consequent maturity when one is aware of his dignity an...


I begin by telling a story. Elie Wiesel in Night describes a scene at Auschwitz, when a boy was hanged with two adults. As the elders died, the boy was still alive for a long time. Someone asked: “Where is God now?” An answer shot back: “Here He is; He is hanging on these gallows.” The presence of God in the world is revealed no less by the brilliance of a mind than by the presence of man crucified. We of the Cottolengo family are very lucky. We see Christ present everywhere, everyday. We have been taught by our founder: “The poor are Jesus, to serve them we must be on our knees”. St Vincent de Paul, the man behind the inspiration to cottolengo’s foundation taught: “You have to honour Jesus present in the person of the poor who are His members.” Now, we ask ourselves, “Why did these saints of Charity take so strongly the Words of Jesus in the Last Judgment Account of Matthew?” Let us read this passage together [Isaiah 61:1-3]: “The Spirit of the ...

Charity Costs!

Caritas! Charity. Charity costs, not because someone asked, that exalts you! If you give out materials, you have room for more. if Charity is based on philanthropy, it does not cost either, because you do it to a fellow person. it does cost yes, not because you do it willingly and readily! It really costs not because you are obliged, with a sense of duty. Charity costs for other reasons. Charity costs because it demands, demands self-giving. By the way, selflessness is a rare virtue. Many people tend to give something, never themselves. I might have a point in here, Reflect!

Wisdom Paths

The elders might not be wise, yet they command respect by their age, and achievements of course! The adage "Old is gold", is always true for the old, not at all for the new. Those who live longer today, have a right to talk proudly, not of their age but achievements! Oops! All what my grandma wanted, was the feel of things of today, using her old feelings! Let them be!

The Gift of Wisdom

Wisdom is the art of discerning what is good from what is evil, the important from the irrelevant, the necessary from the superfluous. It is the synonym of equilibrium, the realization of the "just measure" of everything. It is possible through time and experience, but it is also a gift that comes from Above, thus it is to be had through assiduous prayer. This leads towards closeness to God. The wise affords nothing but humility because he discovers everything is given, is a gift. He may speak like a proud man but he is humble enough to pinpoint that what he wants is the good not evil, the necessary not the superfluous. Today's elders may fail to live up to the traditional dictum that "Old is gold". Why? Simple. They are people who are caught up by many novelties. Technological advancement comes with challenges, challenges come with the difficult of making choices. It is not easy to make a choice or advice someone to make a choice whereby you have no much to...

Now tired... then happy!

Row on, and keep the force, take this as all you do. Now tired, then happy, because all you do, is lift your voice. Lift your voice, you need not talk. Your voice is heard, while yet unspoken, because it's hard, for all to talk. Let's know your state, we might not help, but when you speak, You will change your state, because you will help, those who fear to speak. So, speak up. Let's hear you voice, this month of June, whose purpose is review, of the gone half-year. let's hear your voice.

Nurturing Success

Nothing is as effective in building people's self-esteem as success. It even has the power to begin reversing negative self-image. Self-esteem cannot grow healthily without some success to nurture it. A sense of success grows slowly in children, since they are prone to feeling inadequate around adults. To help children [and those who are adult-children] succeed, create situations where failure is least likely. It also helps if you can be alert to their fear, embarrassment, and likely areas of failure. You will learn to notice their hesitancy in such areas. Rather than pushing them or forcing them, follow their lead, support and encourage what they want to do, use whatever motivation is present. Instead of trying to change their focus of interest, you might look for ways of supporting that interest. often that very interest will supply a way to the desired successful learning and growth. Then assure them that you pray and long for their success!It works well every time, and best w...

The Virgin Mary and Month of May

My hearts skips a beat, will she near or far, older or still a girl? I might not recognize her, if "full of grace" is not her mark. I know one place, she might be there. A place in my heart, or high above me. Blue is her colour, she matches the sky. Serene, full of joy, magnificat is her song. We won't outdo her, either in singing, or in holiness. Prayer is her tool, her life is service.

Breathe of Love!

Not used to pomp and glory, I prefer far greater no-things, to bringing my soul's inclinations, close to the breathe of life. I choose to open up some space, to suit your outstretched arms, Lord. My God! How can one open up, to no-time, no-space, to eternity? Yet, the more I create space, the nearer eternity comes. I choose to widen my space, to welcome your outstretched arms, Lord. Not used to heaps of things, I go for materialess, for then God can fill me, with a breathe of love. I choose to extend my space, to accommodate your outreaching arms, Lord. I am for calmness and peace, because I hear God in there, while before me stand all, who like me have chosen thee. I choose to stretch my space, now to welcome you my Lord. Not used to crack and crag, I will go for silence, I am flooded with stillness, and there I find your being. I choose you my dear Lord, because you have chosen me for your presence.

Quo Vadis?

By and by man is slowly, going away from the sky. Sailing on the wings of the wind, he's nowhere to stop. He rides on and on with pride, because, "Who is God, me to stop?" Seemingly free like a rat freed, from a trap that ensnared. But man, "Quo Vadis?" No one near thee, motionless! All are moving, none is asking, "Whereto are we ending?" Heaven is about freedom, go. Take liberty on your hands, go. To your left, no one, go. To your right, someone, go. At the crossroads, what route? follow your own route, right a head. As you don't forget your point, point of departure. Look back - this is the arrival point, You go just to arrive, the very point of left to leave, Man Quo Vadis?[Where are you going?]

Women of Tharaka.

Women of Tharaka tower over their shadows: they emerge above their weaknesses. Njau, my grandma, proved this. I've seen her spend, her last days here. She wore a permanent smile [the two wrinkles and dimples exagerrated her smiles] She was old--the old Mariam but not eldery. She loved her children, and their families too. She loved me! Yet, she knew she would soon leave, yeah, she had little time to live. Like the women of Tharaka, Njau has left a mark [her shadows unknown!] Marks of a life spent for others! She towered over her shadows!

Wasted Love?

Is there a wasted love, I mean, love given in vain? When two people love each other, nothing matters anymore [love does]. They proclaim by their being, that love is everything. Is there something like, like a wasted love? What then is love, that it can't be wasted? Gold and diamond can, because contigent. But love, like life, begets itself. To love is to multiply love, to hate is to substract love [but where love is not, love flows to occupy there]. Is there then, something like wasted love? I mean, can love be given in vain?

The Cottolengo Family

The Cottolengo Family present in the world is growing steadily. From the original inspiration of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo to the current presence in the world, the growth is both consoling and invigorating. It is consoling for a number of reasons. First, the vision of the founder was to bring up a family that is involved full-time with consoling the poorest. secondly, to be involved in big numbers in furthering the charism of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo is surely a way of building the Kingdom of God, the very mission of Christ Jesus Himself. Thirdly, the advancement in technology and the many development signs have not decreased the number of poor brothers and sisters in the world. Actually, poverty stings more and more. The growth is invigorating because the more devoted Christians [lay, religious and priest]are involved in this noble mission, the more others are attracted to it. All as if to fulfill what the Lord Jesus himself said, "Seeing your love they will say, ...

Prayer of St. Padre Pio

Stay with me, Lord Prayer of St. Pio of Pietrelcina after Holy Communion Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have      You present so that I do not forget You.      You know how easily I abandon You. Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak      and I need Your strength,      that I may not fall so often. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life,      and without You, I am without fervor. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light,      and without You, I am in darkness. Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will. Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice      and follow You. Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You      very much, and always be in Your company.    Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You. ...

Love is not a mere feeling.

Where love is active, sin is absent. Sin consists in a [a] failure to love, [b] in not loving sufficiently, [c] in loving badly. It is possible for you to love all men, for love does not mean mere feeling but above all willing. It means to will the good of others, of all others without conditions. Yet, you may say to yourself, I loathe so and so. I simply can’t stand him. Well, you need not give up. Feelings of antipathy are instinctive. See your feelings for what they are. It is no point trying to pretend you feel differently that you really do. Accept your instinctive reaction as a clear indication that you are human and so you have weaknesses. Then, seek out the good in the other person. Try with all your will to wish him good. Intelligence must hold the upper hand if you are to beat your antipathy. To love is actually to do. What you do to onother shows that you love him or hate him. You can harbor feelings of repugnance and still afford a ...