Charity Costs!

Caritas! Charity.
Charity costs, not because someone asked,
that exalts you!
If you give out materials,
you have room for more.

if Charity is based on philanthropy,
it does not cost either,
because you do it to a fellow person.

it does cost yes, not because you do it willingly
and readily!
It really costs not because you are obliged,
with a sense of duty.
Charity costs for other reasons.

Charity costs because it demands,
demands self-giving.
By the way, selflessness is a rare virtue.
Many people tend to give something,
never themselves.

I might have a point in here,


  1. I know what you mean. While others think through things, you think in them. Thanks for this. I'm nourished by this, father.

  2. Thank you for your witty comment.


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