Quo Vadis?

By and by man is slowly,
going away from the sky.
Sailing on the wings of the wind,
he's nowhere to stop.
He rides on and on with pride,
because, "Who is God, me to stop?"

Seemingly free like a rat freed,
from a trap that ensnared.
But man, "Quo Vadis?"
No one near thee, motionless!
All are moving, none is asking,
"Whereto are we ending?"

Heaven is about freedom, go.
Take liberty on your hands, go.
To your left, no one, go.
To your right, someone, go.
At the crossroads, what route?
follow your own route, right a head.

As you don't forget your point,
point of departure.
Look back - this is the arrival point,
You go just to arrive,
the very point of left to leave,
Man Quo Vadis?[Where are you going?]


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