Wasted Love?

Is there a wasted love,
I mean, love given in vain?

When two people love each other,
nothing matters anymore [love does].
They proclaim by their being,
that love is everything.

Is there something like,
like a wasted love?

What then is love,
that it can't be wasted?
Gold and diamond can,
because contigent.
But love, like life, begets itself.

To love is to multiply love,
to hate is to substract love
[but where love is not,
love flows to occupy there].

Is there then, something like
wasted love?
I mean, can love be given in vain?


  1. I am sincerely touched, inspired, and challenged. This poetic thought is a boon. It's grandiose so to say. Father, I have to do something.


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