Women of Tharaka.

Women of Tharaka
tower over their shadows:
they emerge above their weaknesses.
Njau, my grandma, proved this.

I've seen her spend,
her last days here.
She wore a permanent smile
[the two wrinkles and dimples
exagerrated her smiles]

She was old--the old Mariam
but not eldery.
She loved her children,
and their families too.
She loved me!
Yet, she knew she would soon leave,
yeah, she had little time to live.

Like the women of Tharaka,
Njau has left a mark
[her shadows unknown!]
Marks of a life spent for others!
She towered over her shadows!


  1. Why did it take me so long to "bump" on this? This, in the scale of 1 to 9, is a 9! Keep up!


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