Nurturing Success

Nothing is as effective in building people's self-esteem as success. It even has the power to begin reversing negative self-image. Self-esteem cannot grow healthily without some success to nurture it.
A sense of success grows slowly in children, since they are prone to feeling inadequate around adults. To help children [and those who are adult-children] succeed, create situations where failure is least likely. It also helps if you can be alert to their fear, embarrassment, and likely areas of failure. You will learn to notice their hesitancy in such areas. Rather than pushing them or forcing them, follow their lead, support and encourage what they want to do, use whatever motivation is present. Instead of trying to change their focus of interest, you might look for ways of supporting that interest. often that very interest will supply a way to the desired successful learning and growth.
Then assure them that you pray and long for their success!It works well every time, and best when the line of successes remains continuous and unbroken.
Good day, good nurturing day!


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