Trust is that Precious...

Trust is that precious attitude towards yourself, other people and God. Nothing is more ruinous and precarious in life than to mistrust the spontaneity of a person. It so much dangerous to life that a little mistrust puts other off and makes them feel suspected and judged even before they are given a chance to be heard.

I have met people who simply "psychologize" and analyze people as a tool to relationship. This destroys trust badly. It is like exposing everything personal and invaluably secret about the private life of another. It is making what would be decent in secret to be public defamation.

People love the sincerity that emerges from the attitude of trust. Trust, in fact, is the capacity to encounter and accept others just as they are. And before being a virtue, it is a target in life which has to be achieved through hard work, determination, and prayerful engagement with the Almighty God. Yes, no one is more loved that a person who accepts others simply, naturally and courageously.

Today, I made up my mind to show trust to all and to deal with all in a spirit of trust. I will achieve this through the many angels who I met daily in the faces of men and women from all walks of life.

"Divine Providence does not always work miracles, but she often uses human means to accomplish her works" [St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo]. This is to say, he works miracles through you and me. What trust! Well, then, let's get going in order to walk the talk.

[Anniversary of Ordination: 200 years for St. J B Cottolengo!]


  1. When I was a little younger [now I am 60 years old!], I loved walking. One day, my niece asked me, "Why do you like walking along this path alone?" I looked at her innocent eyes and replied, "It's my hobby, baby." Without a pause she went on, "My mom is right. You priests have strange hobbies!"
    Well, I know it. Each priest has a strange hobby. I guess the Hobby of St. Joseph Cottolengo was visiting the elderly and sick!


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