Ascension of the Lord: A Reflection

Let me begin by clarifying that this Solemnity should be understood in the context of Resurrection, the Easter Event. The Apostles are clearly sad. The Lord has in the last days behaved "strangely", like one really serious when He says, "I'm going to my Father and your Father, My God and your God." And even more saddening facts, "The world will hate you [read, will treat you badly. Think of the Good Friday Facts fresh in mind!] just they did to me!" (John 16:16-20). It did not feel good at all, nor did the disciples seem to receive it with the faith expected [They received it with the faith they had, their little faith!)

Ascension, as it is presented to us, is clearly the feast of glory. First, if we still stick to our faith that God cannot lose his Glory [Not even theoretically!]then we've already admitted that the Son kept his glory through his earthly life: birth, life, teachings, suffering, death and resurrection, even to Ascension. For us then, it means these events of God's entry into human predicament are part of his glory. God's glory is man fully alive. And he came to give us life, even life to the full. That very process of giving us life is itself the glory of God. We've only one conclusion to make,[they may be many] that we have to follow the path that he followed, the path of self-emptying, self-giving, of sacrifice. this path is the path of/in glory.

Secondly, if we take glory to be the unapproachable light in which God dwells, then today we must make a choice to stay close to God, to mirror like the moon mirroring the sun. That's the only way to obtain glory: staying with God through everything in prayer. God makes appointments with us in his "office", the life of the needy, suffering, poor brothers and sisters. There we meet him. Yet, God makes his appointment with us in prayer. There we absorb his glory. There we get formed and molded daily to resemble him, the Glorious One.

Thirdly, ascension cannot be separated from the duties we all have each according to his/her status of life. The image of the cloud used to indicate entry into heaven, is the sign of the presence of God (Ex. 13:22). As if to say to us, if you want to find God, commit yourself where you are. In fact the angels call attention to the apostles: "Guys, why do you stand there looking upwards? What exactly are you staring at up there? Jesus has given you something to do. Get going now. Do as he has commanded you. He will come just this way. He will come and find you busy in your area of work. Since you will all evangelize through your work and status of life, go on. You cannot wait for his coming just by staying here and staring up there!" Thanks to these angels I know I will glorify God and be glorified here on us by getting myself busy with his Kingdom. Yes, by letting many more know him and embrace his Kingdom.

St. Paul says to us, if we live waiting for the Lord's Coming, we wont get swallowed up by the many fascinations of this world. We will be ready to receive him. No, we will not feel his absence, because he promised to be with us always, to the end of days! [Mt 18:20]. That becomes our Consolation and our wake up call. He is with us!


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