Love Others, even the Unborn

Abortion is an issue that evokes, from all parties, very strong feelings and judgments, and even very heated debates. Abortions are done round the clock in clandestine clinics and sometimes in the most unexpected places. Here, abortion is to be understood as the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in death.

I know I am not saying everything here. I'm just thinking around. Lack of love is at the root of all evils, and especially the evil of abortion. If love were to be freeing as its nature is, then one cannot try to eliminate another in order for her to feel free from the supposed "burden" of a pregnancy or child.

These days I'm planning a seminar for young people wherein I intend to share with them the fact that love is above all sacrifice for another. It is death to the self in order to let emerge another. I want to share with them the fact that abortion is violation of the sanctity of life. I simply want to talk about the beauty of life and why it is never a bad "mistake" to be pregnant. It is only a bad mistake to enter into premarital sex.

Jesus chose freely to give his life for our salvation [read salvation as, to give us life and give us life to the full!]. That example, that act of love is a wake up call for all of us. [John 10:18] To love others means to love all, even the unborn babies. Hopefully, we will whisper to them also, "I love you most tenderly!"


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