200 Years: Anniversary of Ordination

St. J B Cottolengo was ordained a priest on June 8, 1811, exactly 200 years ago. This event has not passed us silently at Kisarawe.

We've had preparations done way before. Fr. Philip led the reflections for the Sisters' community at Kisarawe. Meanwhile, on June 7, evening news from the Diocesan Radio Tumaini, there was a piece of news on this occasion. With that information disbursed, many people called and asked to join us in prayer the following day.

On the anniversary day, June 8, Fr. Philip presided the mass, which took place at four in the evening. Many Christians participated with the biggest number being the youth and children.

During the Homily, Fr Philip gave a general picture of our Founder. He underlined his unique charism, and a style of life that calls all people, both lay and religious, healthy and sick, to participate joyfully in the world of service to the poorest.

After Mass, we had a moment of refreshment while young people from Minaki Secondary School, and Chanzige Secondary school did a wonderful play on St. J B Cottolengo. To close the evening were the Children of Cottolengo Club, joined by sisters and priests in singing the "Cottolengo Anthem: In Cottolengo we claim to be."

In the late evening, the Local Diocesan Radio Tumaini, once more aired a program on Cottolengo and his works. The program had been prepared by Fr. Kirimo, Sr. Hellen and Sr. Margaret. This program will go on during the Month of June.

In the simplicity of things and the great desire to share the treasures of our Charism, we are helped by many enthusiastic christians, both young and old, who ask to participate in a way or another.

Deo Gratias!


  1. Feasts like these are very important. I wish you would invite us the next time. [Jose,from Mwanza]


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