Appeal: The Marian Shrine of Mhaga, Kisarawe

Kanisa la Mt. Bikira Maria Mama wa Miujiza ni Kituo cha Hija na Kituo cha Kiroho! Mwaka 2017, Kituo hiki kinalenga kuimarisha mazingira ya "Bustani ya Mama Maria" kwa kupanda miti, maua na kuweka uzio. Tunahitaji Kiasi cha Shilingi Milioni Ishirini (20,000,000/=Tsh au 9500 USD) kukamilisha shughuli hii. The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Miracles is a Shrine and a Spiritual Centre. This year 2017, the Shrine aims at improving the environment of "The Garden of Mother Mary" by planting trees, flowers and erecting a fence for security. We need around twenty million Shillings (20,000,000/= or 9500USD) to complete this phase of the project. You may participate in showing love to Mother Mary through a small donation: Account Name: COTTOLENGO TRUST TANZANIA BANK: EQUITY BANK TZ – QUALITY BRANCH, DAR ES SALAAM Account Number: 3001211140239 (Euro) or 3001211140240 (Tzs) SWIFT CODE: EQBLTZ For more information contact us through: ...