Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Youth Congress has gained enough momentum. The young minds are turning more creative and the interest in what is going on around them is now almost palpable. Sr. Hellen, Sr. Cesalia, and Mr. Jackson aka Mpiganaji together with Fr Kirimo and Seminarian Stanley Kobia are also aware of the need to give the young people more and more to satisfy their hunger and thirst for the Word.

The group leaders with the guidance of the TYCS patron Deo Gratias Kazole of The Great Lakes Secondary School are keen to ensure the morning session of jogging and cleaning go smoothly. It takes longer than expected but when the youth come for Morning Lauds in the Hall, they are ready to recuperate lost time by shortening their breaks. And true to their words, the events of the day go on without interruptions following the schedule.

Father and Mother, then children as a Gift!
The first topic of the day is the Core topic of the Youth Congress in the Year of the Family. Fr. Salutarius Mpinge of Segerea Seminary, Dar Es Salaam, takes us through the theme of Family as the fountain of Faith and Morals. Beginning with the simplest definitions, going through the Biblical roots, and finding the way through the document Familiaris Consortio, he develops a clear catechetical trail, helping the young people appreciate themselves as gifts to their own parents. He further takes the session into the challanges that are posed to the family today by globalisation, asking the young people to hold on to the "roots of their faith, culture and morals."

The second part of this topic assumes a dialogue mode where he engages the young people in interpretation of the Scriptural texts that are connected with the inviolable value of life, the indissolubility of marriage, and the virtue of chastity. There is room for questions and answers as in all the other talks before closing. After closing, the young stage a play on the rot in families, displaying clearly how when families lack clear guidelines for their children, children tend to pick directives and advices from anybody.

There was a sense of expectation as Fr. Kirimo explained to the young people that he was seeking their consent in amending the timetable to allow the next presenter, Frt. Richard Didas of the Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam, to start the presentation at 2.00 PM, so that he may travel together with Fr. Salutarius back home. The young people unanimously agreed to go for a short lunch break.

Growing up in a Rapidly Changing world!
Richard started off his presentation on Early Child Pregnancies and the challanges of Abortion at a light note. He wanted the youth to understand this right from the beginning. The problem is not pregnancy but sexual misconduct, i.e., involving themselves in pre-marital sex. The dialogue that ensued was full of meaning as each pause that came up lead the young people to question more and more. Presenting the issue from Biblical, Social, economic and medical point of view, he showed the young people that there is nothing good that emerges from engaging in early sex.

Choir Practice, Liturgy, and Relax
After the afternoon session, the young people had a short break before gathering back into the hall for a choir practice session. Meanwhile the Liturgical Committee was taxed with the duty of ensuring the Sunday Liturgy was well prepared.

After supper, there followed Talent Hour.
The time was spent well with various groups showcasing their talent. Most of the items were set in consideration of the Theme of the Congress and the topics presented. At this time, the event was totally under the influence of joy....


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