Evangelium Gaudium -- Furaha ya Injili

Evangelium Gaudium -- Furaha ya Injili
Four days of lessons, dance, plays, laughter and moments of relax. What a way of bringing together 122 young people! And their energies never dwindle. You get the loudest screams when you call for them, the most vigorous dances when music plays, and time seemed to fly!

Thursday 10, July 2014
20.40 PM: Fr. Kirimo, on behalf of the Kisarawe Parish Youth Animation Team, declares open the Youth Camp, 2014, the year of the Family. He first helps the participants to identify and restate the "Rules of the Camp."
Quoting Mr. Alex, the Academic Master of the Host school (The Great Lakes Secondary School, Marumbo), he noted that rule number one was respect of boundaries. Participants agreed to stay within the confines of the school and to keep time.
Rule number two was pronounced by Anna Nestory, a member of the committee on Discipline, Guests and security. She asked members to choose a clean language always! Language unites but can easily bring disharmony. All agreed to use respectiful words in talking to others.

Rule number three was stated by Josephine Mhawi, a member from Overland High school and a responsible of Liturgy. She invited members to reflect when they choose how to dress. It was clear to all that the dress code was one proper for religious gatherings!

Lastly, Musa Muyonga was invited to help the rest recall the topics proposed for the annual gathering. The topics were in order of presentation The Bible as the secret to prosperity, the Challenges emerging from globalisation, the Family as the fount of faith and morals, and the Problem of Early Pregnancies among schools going girls and the threat of Abortion.

Before closing, Fr. Kirimo once more reminded the young people the theme of the gathering was "Furaha ya Injili" - the joy of the Gospel.

The welcome song launched by The Great Lakes secondary school TYCS members in Collaboration with their counterparts from the neighbouring Overland High School, was like connecting this year's gathering to the previous year. The young people showcased their talents, beginning with a wonderful dance that made the hall look small. Frank John, Emmanuel John, Justin Masolwa, and Charles Tongela started-off a series of African Rhythms which were crowned by the surprise entry of Anna Nestory and Mathias Kazonda.

It was a truly talents hour: plays, poems, songs, dances, jokes, comedy.... You couldn't ignore the imposing presence of Ferdinand Challo aka Claver! The captivating voices of Fortunata Khamsini, Hellen Mpunga and others made the night!


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