Evangelium Gaudium II

Furaha ya Injili
The following day, Friday, was our first full day at the Great Lakes Secondary School. The day began with a note of fun. At 5.45 AM, the bell rung alerting people of the necessity to go to the field for jogging. It was fun for all as the all-asleep lot woke up literally through this session.
The theme of the day was already clear, the Joy of the Gospel. Therefore, each event was an opportunity to express that joy.

There followed the usual routine, before all converged in the Hall at 8.00 AM for Lauds. The Liturgy Group was set to lead the recitation of the Psalms. The mega choir of 120 or there about, young people filled the hall with morning praise.

After a Short pause of reflection, the young people took breakfast. Morning session was now set to begin.

The Bible as source of Inspiration and success in life: (Fr. John Kulwa, Segerea Seminary, Dar Es Salaam)
His lesson must have been the most impressive bible lesson that we have had of late with the Youth of Kisarawe Parish. He used biblical motifs to illustrate why people err to think that success from the Biblical point of view is material wealth. He unveiled the treasures hidden in the Bible, using a language befitting the young participants. In fact at the evaluation session held after the Youth Congress, all the participants demanded the presence of Fr. John again to help them grow in faith and knowledge of the Word.

The short Tea Break that followed at around 11.00 AM was a moment for the young people to show more talent as they staged a play on the dangers of living with total disregard for the Word of God.

The Second session of this topic was a chance for Fr. John to illustrate how central the Bible should be in the life of each Christian Family.

The Challenges of Globalisation: A Christian Youth Point of View (Fr. Andrea, Segerea Seminary, Dar Es Salaam)
After Lunch, the timetable had a place for more reflection, this time round on Globalisation. Fr. Andrea proved to be well-versed with the topic as he graphically illustrated how the expansion of the use of Communication Technology has exposed the youth to all manner of challenges.
His lesson must have proved easy as he engaged the young people using a language typically theirs. He placed faith side by side with the responsibility to spread it and make it part of the daily discourse.

The second session of this topic looked at how globalisation has negatively impacted on the Family. Christian Values are sidelined while the value of wealth, latest gadgets and social media take the centre-stage. He challenged the youth to guard their African and Christian values.

Evening play... Debate, and Night prayers
This Friday evening was meant for games. There were teams playing at every corner of the big compound. They were reminded by group leaders and animators of the theme, "Joy".

After supper, the timetable indicated that there was to be a debate on the moral decadence. To say the least, the debate was hot as the young people engaged each other mentally. The side that argued that parents were to blame for the moral decadence and not the young people, lost it. It seemed clear that the young people knew very well that they are to blame themselves for immorality and loss of christian and social values.

Mr. Deo Gratias, a TYCS patron from the Host School, the Great Lakes, help the young people to find their example and model in Christ and not just look at parents and guardians. Mr. Alex, (Acting as the Head of School during this Congress) also pushed on the idea that all decisions that each young person takes are to be weighed well so that none of them seeks to blame other people later. Seminarian Stanley Kobia of Cottolengo Fathers had a chance to conclude calling for the youth's desire to fight all through proper use of their intelligence and will.

At the end of the day, it was the turn of Fr. Kirimo to speak to the young people. He thanked each of them for participating actively. He further thanked them for recognizing their role in the society and their part in makign the society a better place for all. He finally indicated that each should avoid imitating others. Rather, each one should follow Christ and become a role model for others. With the night prayer, the curtains closed for day two!


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