Lent 2014

Ashes and Words. Purple and no flowers. A new season has begun. For those lucky to have a creative liturgical corner in the Church or Chapel, a new "symbol" is place there.

The colours of preparation for Easter. And the Words of prayers, all set to evoke that sense of urgency for a softening of an hardened hearts. So, the symbols have rocks (stones) for that purpose. Yet, on the dry stump and besides the rock life springs. Like a symbolic sign of the hope for a change of heart.

Ashes, Dry palms, and some green ones
It is a season with a lot of meaning for man. Man is a creature that survives in time. In fact, the dry brances of palms were green during last year's Palm Sunday. Now, dry as if to symbolize the "drying" of enthusiasm of the christian community. And this calls for a new cycle where our faith is reinvigorated and a new journey starts. Green palms are still symbols of hope for all. That behind the drying up is a desire to remain green (full of life).

The imposition of ashes has all the solemnity in it. The silence of the one who receives the ashes tells us of the pain of waiting for our own death. Silence. The best way to accept a reality so obvious and yet so mysterious. Man, remembe you are dust and unto the dust you will return!

Whatever the sign placed on the forehead: a cross, a thumb print, a sprinkle... whatever sign. It reminds us of the fact that our time here is limited! Period!

What are we to do?
We must start of the journey together. Forty days! A long period enough for our preparation. Forty days are quite a number for us to recall were are not God. We, therefore, must depend on him.

We also take forty days like a return journey. Going back to God, whereof, we will see clearly that we are our brothers' keepers. With little gestures of love: a thank you card, a call to a lonely person, a visit to the sick, alms given to a total stranger, letting someone pass, holding the door for someone, supporting a cause you wish to be a part of, reading the bible for someone blind, walking to the door for a poor person, a smile given to a person in need etc. Small gesture of love!

The Pause
Forty days are also like a long pause. Where we reflect on the journey taken. We strategize for the next "forty", the long time ahead! And here, we refer back to our map, the Word of God. We see instructions as if for the first time. We read carefully and slowly, repeat and pause to reflect. We reread and even sign somewhere what touches us. We do this so frequently that it becomes part of us!
Yes, we have undertaken lent as we should!


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