
Showing posts from 2013


KONGAMANO: OVERLAND HIGH SCHOOL, MARUMBO UTANGULIZI "Someni kwa bidii, jiwekeni daima karibu na Mungu, na mkuze fadhila za uchapakazi na uadilifu kuanzia umri huu mdogo. Hayo ndiyo mapenzi ya Mungu kwenu." Maneno hayo ya Mhashamu Askofu Titus Joseph Mdoe, ni nasaha iliyoliashiria kufikia kilele cha Kongamano la Vijana, Mwaka wa Imani lililoandaliwa na Ofisi ya Vijana, Parokia ya Kisarawe. Kuanzia tarehe 06/06/2013, Alhamisi Jioni hadi 09/06/2013 Jumapili Jioni, takriban vijana 180 walishiriki pamoja na walezi wao katika lililochukua kaulimbiu yake kutoka Injili ya  Luka.                                                                     Luka 17:5 " Bwana  Tuongezee imani” . Katika kufanikisha lengo la Kongamano hili, walezi wa Vijana wakiongozwa na Pd. Kirimo walihamasisha na  kusimamia maandalizi yaliyochukua zaidi ya mwezi mzima. Mada Kadha wa kadha zilitolewa ikiwemo Kujikuza katika Imani (Nd. Silvanus M.), Utunzaji na uwekezaji katika Mazingira (Mwelimi

Kanda ya Mt. Aloyce, Pugu: Tawi la Kimani

Ufunguzi wa Tawi la Kimani Secondary School – Kisarawe Kanda ya Mt. Aloyce – Pugu                            Friday, May 10, 2013 _____________________________________________________ Utangulizi Kwa mkusanyiko huu wa watu, kwa maandalizi haya ya kipekee kabisa, kwa Ibada hii ya Misa Takatifu, tunazindua rasmi tawi la TYCS Kimani, Kanda ya Mt. Aloyce Pugu. Ni tendo la imani. Na kwetu vijana wakatoliki, ikizingatiwa kuwa huu ni Mwaka wa Imani, sina shaka kabisa tendo hili linatuimarisha zaidi kiroho. Kama TYCS ni chama cha Kitume kinachowaleta pamoja Vijana Wakatoliki wa Shule za sekondari hili kumleta Kristo katika mazingira ya shule, ni wazi kabisa kwamba leo, kwa njia ya Pekee, Kristo anakuja katika mazingira ya shule ya Kimani (Wilaya ya Kisarawe). Yesu anakuja sio kuingilia programu za shule au kuvuruga amani yetu kama wanafunzi bali kutuimarisha katika shughuli nyeti iliyotuleta hapa Kimani Sekondari. Ni katika kufuata maadili na mafundisho ya kijana mkatoliki un

Tutafakari Maisha yake

Hand drawing-St. J B Cottolengo by Kirimo "Kwani wote wanaoongozwa na Roho wa Mungu ni wana wa Mungu, kwa maana hamkupata roho ya utumwa mwogope tena, bali mmepokea Roho anayewafanya kuwa wana wa Mungu na kuita, "Abba! Baba!" Roho mwenyewe hushuhudia roho zetu ya kuwa sisi  ni wana, tu warithi pia, yaani warithi wa Mungu wanaorithi pamoja na Kristo, tukiwa tunavumilia mateso pamoja na Kristu, tupate kutukuzwa pamoja naye." (Rom. 8:14-17) Ni dhahiri kabisa kwamba Mt. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo sio tu mwana wa Mungu bali mwana Mpendwa na Mpenda Mungu. Upendo huu wa pekee kwa Mungu ulitokana na imani yake dhabiti. Kama Kijana alielimika katika mafundisho makuu ya imani. Alijua kuwa Mungu ametupa wote upendeleo wa pekee sana, ambapo kila mmoja wetu alipewa nafasi ya pekee machoni pa Mungu. Kwanza kabisa, imani hii ilimjengea msimamo na tabia ya aina yake. Katika utendaji kazi wake kama padre, alijitahidi kuwa na upendo wa pekee kwa kila mmoja, akiwapa nafasi ya


Dearest me, The last time I made a loud reflection I was musing. Now this reflection below is not entirely mine. It can be squarely attributed to Bernard Lornegan, whose influential thought framework continues to guide me. When a religious Institute recognizes that it has human and intellectual resources to employ for the furtherance of a vision and mission entrusted to her, then that Institute has basically accepted a divine calling and at the same time profounded its role in management. Yes, Religious Institutes like volunteer associations, practically manage human and intellectual resources before the material ones. In fact, the only rule that the leaders (managers) or call them superiors of these Institutes ought to adhere to is one. Take time to talk to the members. Ask open-ended, probing questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. We should not make the mistake of thinking that we know what each member thinks. Ask. Asking is always a sign of interest. Plannin

The Saint with "a Big Heart"

I know of a man, a saint I have known, and encountered in the streets. I know of a man, I have met him again and again, bending over the down-trodden, just next to your house. I know of a man, with "a Big Heart", magnanimous! You too might have seen him cross the road just ahead of you, eager to reach out to the next man, and so touch his heart. This man of "a Big Heart" touches hearts and fascinates. He fascinates me and thousands others, who now have also grown big hearts, and have learnt the art of touching hearts! Thank you St Joseph Benedict Cottolengo!

The "Pagan" Plea

THE PRAYER OR PLEA OF A PAGAN   INTRODUCTION May be we all experience the feeling of harboring/housing a bit of paganism in us.   And the feeling is not about to go away soon. In fact, it seems to increase the more we come closer to go—the path of growth in faith. Other times we seem to be convinced that our neighbors portray pagan traits. Let’s reflect on a text of Matthew’s Gospel where Jesus is meeting a pagan woman! LORD, HELP ME. MT.15:21-28 Jesus continues his journey and passes towards the north of Galilee. He passes through the areas of Tiro and Sidon, near Phoenicia, a region inhabited by Canaanites. Israelites avoided them because according to the Torah, contact with them would make the Israelites “Unclean” with their idols. It is in this journey that Jesus encounters a Canaanite woman! But is it a coincidence? Why did Jesus choose to pass through a region that no ordinary Jew would pass? Is he unaware of the impact that such a journey would lay on him?

Listening and Communication

Regardless of the type and size of your organization – whether it's a large corporation, a small company, or even a home-based business – you need good communication skills if you want to succeed. Listening is part of that. Look at this: Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others. We listen to obtain information. We listen to understand. We listen for enjoyment. We listen to learn. Given all this listening we do, you would think we'd be good at it! Well, Jesus told us to beware of how we listen! (Luke 4:18).


"The Vision 2030 aims to make Kenya, ‘a globally competitive and prosperous nation with a high quality of life’ in the next 25 years, hinged on three key pillars. Economic Pillar: Maintain a sustained economic growth of over 10 percent per annum over the next 25 years Social Pillar: Achieve a just and cohesive society, enjoying equitable social development in a clean and secure environment Political Pillar: Develop an issue-based, people-centred, result-oriented and accountable democratic political system." ___________________________________  Most Kenyan politicians seem to have forgetten that saying they know does not assure us that they know. If you are here to take Kenya to the next level, why have you taken a totally different direction? Politics in Kenya are not issue-based, people-centred, result-oriented and accountable. They are simply 'Pathetic'. Pray, dear Kenyans, for a better Kenya regardless/in spite of who becomes our next president. However

TYCS Kanda ya Mt. Aloyce - Pugu

RIPOTI YA MAAFALI YA KIDATO CHA SITA KANDA YA MT. ALOYCE – PUGU   UTANGULIZI Maafali ni sherehe ya kuwaaga na kuwapongeza ndugu wanaovuka hatua moja na kuelekea nyingine katika masomo. Mnamo tarehe 19/01/2013, kulikuwa na maafali ya kidato cha VI yaliyofanyika katika viwanja vya Parokia ya Kisarawe. Maafali haya ni shere ambayo hujumuisha na kushirikisha shule mbalimbali za sekondari katika Kanda ya Mt. Aloyce – Pugu. Mahafali ya mwaka huu yalikuwa ya pekee mno, kwani yalipata kuwa na washiriki wengi kutoka sehemu tofauti tofauti katika kanda yetu. Pia yalifanyika kwa mara ya Kwanza katika Parokia ya Kisarawe, kinyume na miaka ya nyuma. LENGO Maafali haya yalikuwa na malengo kama yafuatayo: Å       Kumshukuru Mungu pamoja na wahitimu kwa kuwafikisha hapo walipofikia salama yaani kidato cha sita. Å       Wahitimu kuomba msaada kwa Mungu ili waweze kuongozwa na Roho wake katika kipindi hiki cha mwisho wa masomo yao ya sekondari. Å       Kupata fursa y