Eucharist: Self-donation to the Fullest.
We celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord in a very emphasized manner. Popular piety is publicly acknowledged and used to show this high and most holy Sacrament. How can we bring this Solemnity and its solemn tone into our depths? We have to look at Jesus, the gift himself. He has gathered all virtues into love, which dares to die for the beloved. He has shown us we can bring healing to most people by showing them that they are important, special, valued, and appreciated. yet, their salvation comes only from witnessing that love is the reason we act in that particular way. And love, at the level of God, is sacrifice of the self. Love is the Language of God and it is the universal language. This universal language is understood [or at least perceived, intuited, in the instincts] by all creatures. It is silent, totally silent. It flows in the forces of nature. That language is not taught, it is acquired effortlessly. Yet, somehow, we need to consciously c...