Love, Expectations, and Joy

My friends, sometimes people can’t express love in the same way as you can and they are often thought of as not loving you. yeah, some of us have chosen not to express love in some of those mundane-carnal ways. Understanding that everyone is different helps you to understand your own capacity to love and not put expectations on someone else to fulfill you.

"I'm busy putting expectations for myself and fulfilling them to my satisfaction. I really do not have time to fulfill yours". Such a statement is a statement of love, not indifference or disrespect.

And God has said, "Love them as I have loved you". It sounds like, love them by obeying Our Father, who speaks through his Spirit deep down your heart!


  1. don Kirimo, I love these reflections. I want to see how much re-reading the phrase "people can't express love in the same way as you can", will shape my thinking. Thank you.


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