Easter: Rethinking my Choice

Easter is a period full of meaning for the believer because besides the many times that we hear the "doubting Thomas" syndrome, we also hear the consoling "they saw and believed". I've been rethinking my choices in these days.

Resurrection does not mark the end of suffering. If it does, it also marks the end of suffering for Pilate too! Pilate was not free: conditioned from without and yet from within truth echoing, he suffered. He was troubled. But the Risen Lord gives the Pilates of this world freedom to choose the truth, the voice echoing within. That choice must always involve some suffering. Believe me then, Easter does not mark the end of suffering.

Resurrection is the end of the rule of pettiness, the inability to see beyond. The human heart is a courtroom wherein truth can be exposed and embraced or veiled and ignored. The fact is like in every courtroom, if justice is not done, if truth is not embraced, people will fuel hatred. Yes, because justice is the Mother of Peace, truth stands as the Father of freedom. Does this remind you of the words of Jesus,"And the truth will set you free"?

Resurrection is the guarantee that all along the way of the Cross, the suffering and sorrow, God is present. Like Mary the Mother of Jesus and John the beloved disciple, we can stand, wait patiently at the foot of the Cross. Yes, we can bare the pain and misery of the moment just as it comes. In fact, Easter will be more meaningful every time I rethink my choices in the light of these facts.


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