
Easter is joy multiplied because that joy was totally missing on the Good Friday.It is joy because all beauty of life was completely absent on Good Friday! Do you remember the words of Pilate to the people, "Ecce Homo"! [Jn 19:5]? Yeah. Nothing was admirable in the whole scene. Nothing.

Imagine the people declaring, "His blood be on us and on our children" [Mt. 27:25]. How will the blood of Jesus be on them? Are they taking the blame on behalf of Pilate, one man? Then, the One Man they claim to know and want to eliminate becomes their blessing, their excuse, their "scapegoat". They will not be condemned. No, they will simply be forgiven. Actually, both the multitude that claim to "do away with him" and the Roman Officials who participate in doing away with him "do not know what they are doing"[Lk 23:34, Acts 3].

And therefore, Easter is the return of that Joy and Beauty, that Truth which we did not admit well in advance. Easter is that Truth "dawning on us" like the rising sun. Easter is grace which shows us the other side of the coin such that we can ask the the Jews, "What must we do?" No Easter is complete without that sense of urgency in the journey of conversion!


  1. Now this is inspiring, absolutely touching. Thanks.


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