Is it Thumbs up for Kibaki?

The uproar caused by Ringera's reappointment as the chair of theanticorruption commission is, perhaps, what Kibaki's advisors wanted togenerate. Kibaki is a politician because he decides the course of the political wave in this country. He grabs the headlines by all means [for the wrong or right reasons]. His bold action of ignoring public opinion and the opinion of the parliamentarians is itself a move to draw the attention of the public and of the legislators from the urgent and pertinent issue of the Special Local Tribunal. For sometimes, we will be discussing this. By the way, it is not the integrity of Kibaki in question. It is Retired Justice Aaron Ringera being discussed. If Ringera's reappointment is quashed he willstill remain a friend to Kibaki. If he stays, Kibaki will have a friend up to the time he leaves office.

We are, in fact, also discussing the Rt Honourable Raila Odinga. Is he in talking terms with the president? May be not. Those who told us that the two principles were getting along well when Muthaura was away on sick leave have to change their theory. If the principals were going on in better terms, this "RING-ERROR" would never have been.

Parliamentarians have decided to "sacrifice" their holiday to take up the all serious task of reminding the executive its role. They now will realize what they had not realized: that some laws are still ambiguous. And whose duty is it to ammend such laws? The "RING-ERROR" might be a "GRAND EYE OPENER" for our legislator. Meanwhile, our Worker president has given those who like talking a topic. He has no doubt that what he has done is right. He is busy doing his usual, I mean Kazi unaendelea. And at the end of it all, his decision is final even though he can make another final decision, to change his mind. Now we have only to wait.


  1. No. You've gotten it all wrong father. It's thumbs down for Kibaki, at least the MPS have told the president openly.
    Then a certain Smokin Wanjala has done the only honorable thing. He has resigned. We hope to see the reaction of the President's men now.


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