Life has its own "Screen Tips"

I am not writing about politicians and the political situation in this country. I want to write what is flowing out of my heart now. I want to write about life and its many ways of giving you directions, its own "screen tips".

When you cannot do anything, as in when a friend is grieving a loved one, something tells you to keep your mouth shut. Follow that tip. Accept to suffer silently. Accept the insolubility of the problem.

Whenever you come to a very hot debate, when you cannot agree, there is an inner voice that elbows you to remain calm and even to shut up. Yes, follow that life tip. There is no need to be bitter because you know you are right. Actually, since you are cock sure of your knowlegde, you should be all smiles. Why suffer for being right? Why suffer under your own wrath?

The greater the obstacle, the more glory. When you feel down and almost giving up. That very time, call all your strength that you may soldier on. You are about to become a hero or heroine. It is better to be celebrated a hero/heroine for having exhausted yourself than to live under the weight of shame.

If you want to acquire many enemies, push for change. No one wants to here of change. If you want change, show the others that you agree with them in all things and actually whatever you are doing is in order to achieve their dreams. Instead of talking about change, say that you think of arranging things differently. It doesn't sound all that radical. Then, grab the opportunity to take on board all people, especially the opposers and let them do the work while you watch. Tire yourself by giving them a pat on the back now and then.

Nothing is ever gained by losing the foundations. Hold unto to them.


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