Kenyans are amazing!

Anybody who has been following the predicaments of this beloved country of ours must have suffered to some degree. We watched, horrified and mesmerized to say the least, as our own countrymen butchered one another for a flawed election. We have seen leaders duping an entire population and brainwashing others. We have seen MPS fight outside and inciting us young people to fight while back in parliament they are friends who hike their salaries and argue over power sharing as if that is what we had sent them in parliament to do. In sum, we have seen all sorts of evils land into our territory to devour us.

Kenyans are a people with a unique sense of hope. While the Rift Valley was burning and blood flowing in place of water, we saw people of good will gather lorries of food and other necessities to go and console our very own Kenyans turned refugees in their own country. While the leaders were busy arguing over who should address the public first, we witnessed a section of private sector leaders insisting on hard work and actually doing it themselves. We have seen young people crowd the churches for prayers and atonement [read, AT ONE-MENT]. I am simply amazed at how people of this country potray their faith, their hope, their undying dream of a better place to call Kenya.

Who doubts that one day this country will overcome its owes to shine in Africa and indeed in the world? With this trend of men and women refusing to stop hoping, with this push for a better place to live, we can only hope with them that at least this zeal for a better Kenya wont be had without us on board. Kenya is really a place to live. I am proud to be a Kenyan was itself a slogan little by little accepted by many Kenyans. Without those unknown heroes and heroines, this country would not be where it is now.

I have this feeling that the efforts of a few men and women of good will, their sweat and blood, will not go unrewarded. God is with us!


  1. Well said. Kenyans are really amazing. We hold protests for everything, whether we understand the reason or not. Once I witnessed a group of protesters being interviewed. The guy went on asking some of these youngsters why they we protesting. "Well, sijui kwa nini. Ilinibidi nije kuungana na wenzangu kutetea haki zetu."
    Whatever haki zao, am sure the protester was not at all informed. May be Kenyans should enter the Guiness Book of Record for this!

  2. Yeah. That's true don. Kenyans are that amazing. U feel their confidence and will to forge on. You meet elderly and young women beaming. Hope everywhere, as if God pays them a visit frequently. I know I cannot afford to ignore the sense of expectation/hope that exudes from most Kenyans.
    Well said.


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