Holy Trinity and the Family
A Christian family, modeled at the
image of the Holy Trinity, must be so much cohered that whoever sees it sees
unity, sees love, sees peace, sees harmony, sees stability and security.... These
are some of the aspects of a family that render it attractive to the younger
generation. Needless to say, backbiting and backstabbing, outbursts of anger
and the desire to revenge, separation and divorce, to name but a few, render
the institution of marriage unattrative to the younger generation.
Holy Trinity and the Family
St. John Paul II believed the family
would play a vital role in the new evangelization. What would be a family that
lives these values in an heroic way? It would be a living testimony of the
Gospel of Life put in daily life. This way, the Christian family would not be a
mere bystander in the Church’s evangelizing mission. We are in the midst of an
eroding cultural crisis. Attempts to redefine marriage and the family are more
compelling now that in the past. Yet, only a truly christian family can
incarnate the true meaning of a civilization of love and the renewal of
Christian culture. Will the forces against the true meaning of marriage and
family lose ground in a near future? It is difficult to answer that. But every
family that stands witness to the true values of a family in the mind of Jesus
Christ, remains as a seed of truth sowed and awaiting its proper season.
In the Familiaris
Consortio and “Letter
to Families”), St. John Paul II presents the family as continuation of God’s
plan in creation and salvation. He does not present abstract theological
treatises. He put theology in practical terms to be effectively used for the
work in the Lord’s vineyard, by the very family itself. In other words, he
makes the subject of discussion (family), the subject of actions too!
Let’s see how he makes it
down-to-earth: “The Christian family is
called upon like the large-scale Church, to be a sign of unity for the world
and in this way exercise its prophetic role by bearing witness to the Kingdom
and peace of Christ, towards which the whole world is journeying” (FC 48). This
family is not a mere receipient of the Gospel. It is the errand of the Good
“The primordial model of the family
is to be sought in God himself, in the Trinitarian mystery of life” (LF 6). The
family as a communion of persons (communio personarum) is rooted in the communio
of the Godhead. We have been made participants of that communion and so the
family should also make the world sharers of the communion that it is.
There is a trend to descend rather
than transcend, reductionistic onslaught on the vision of the family. Family
cannot simply be a contract based on emotional affections that most certainly
are transitory. We have a choice for life that matches up our desire to live
for ever, that is, the stability of marriage and hence the stability and
security of the family. “The Christian family is grafted into the mystery of
the Church to such a degree as to become a sharer in its own way, in the saving
mission proper to the Church” (FC, 49). Pope Francis underlines in his letter to the families, "if there is no love then there is no joy, and authentic love comes to us from Jesus. He offers us his word, which illuminates our path; he gives us the Bread of life which sustains us on our journey".
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