Shepherding the Sheep

In fulfilling my priorities for this year, (one of the top one is "to live and speak in solidarity with the suffering Christ in the Parish", I have embarked in listening attentively to the needs of these parishioners. I'm convinced that one of the most important ways that a priest can "Shepherd" those afflicted in one way or another is to spend quality time with them. Sometmes all that is needed is an hour-chat, concluding with a prayer. At other times a number of one-on-one encounters, often accompanied with scripture reflection and meeting summary. To be able to do this and to enjoy it makes it a sign of a shepherd's love for the sheep. Rooted in the Gospel values and impelled by the Love of Christ, a pastor can actually become "the Other Christ" among the people of God. I believe it! Reflect: Mark 3;14-15


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