Lenten Reflections: Cottolengo Family

Lenten Reflections: Holiness as our Mission Statement (Acts 4:32-37).
Today, I propose a reflection a little different from yesterdays. What are the characteristics proper to a Cottolengo Missionary? And on the other hand, what are the ideals of a Cottolengo Missionary?

The following, I am convinced, are some of the essential characteristics of a Cottolengo Missionary:
- One called by the Love of God to follow Christ in the Little House of Divine Providence, also called Cottolengo, and sent by her into particular missions. When Cottolengo started sending sisters to the provinces of Italy, he chose to enter into official agreements with dioceses and parishes. He demanded that the priests respect the particular life of the sisters. This was to safeguard their identity from influences that would water down their particular formation and spirituality. Today, this kind of risk is always high. Our duty as Cottolengo followers is first of all to be a different presence for the Poor in the Church.
- One who carries out his ministry of evangelization and testimony of charity according to the charism of St. J B Cottolengo. The charism of Cottolengo is to witness the love of God, our Provident Father, by continuous prayer and praise and, in His name, serving our brothers and sisters most in need. This being so, a true Cottolengo is known by his undivided attention to God and to the neighbor, especially one who needs any kind of material and spiritual help.
- One who gives a preferential option for the poorest, the young and those who suffer, and in a special way whoever is poor of God and of Christ. Without excluding anyone since the love of God is inclusive, a Cottolengo missionary looks at the poorest, especially those with no one to count on! This is not measured in terms of moral uprightness but in terms of their dignity as human beings, sons and daughters of God for whom Christ Jesus died.
- One who dedicates himself particular to the activities of the Little House, according to the dispositions of the Statutes/constitutions, and regulations/directives. This is institutional and very flexible. One is called to work with others and under others in order to reach the one same goal of being witnesses of God’s love in the world. It cannot be different since all love is seen first of all and in the best way possible in obedience.
- One who, being a member of a congregation/society of apostolic life, dedicates himself to a community project, avoiding getting lost in individual activities/initiatives. Once more, the wisdom of the Church has given clear structures that recognize the unique status of Cottolengo in the world. Cottolengo followers, be they priests, brothers, sisters, or lay Cottolengo are called to work and live together as a family, each in his/her particular calling.
The following could be some of the ideals of a Cottolengo missionary:
- To realize individually and communally the wish of our founder and the Redemptoris Missio [Rm 90]: “the true missionary is a saint”.
- To be a witness of the love of the Provident Father and of the Love of Christ, according to the charism of our Founder.
- To be a “contemplative in action” [RM 91] like St. J B Cottolengo: one who contemplates the face of Christ in the poor and sees the hand of the Provident Father in the events of life, and gives a response of love and abandonment.
- To become an element of unity among the many components of the Little House of Divine Providence, each one who according to their status and calling, duties and capabilities.
- To assume a style of life in conformation to the environment and the sensibility of the people, a style that respects the values of the culture, seeds of the Word. Humility, a prerequisite to holiness and a sense of service calls for a style of life which is respectful to the life of the poor.

There is a very important letter of St. J B Cottolengo to his father. The Letter of 13th June 1827, only slightly more than 3 months before the “Maria Gonnet event”. In this letter, Cottolengo is eager to show his father that he is concerned with eternal salvation “which is for all the singular object of every interest.” What really matters dawned on him then. We know that in this letter he explores many issues and advices his father to leave his business and go to Chieri to spend his days with God and so become a saint. Notice, this advice comes from Cottolengo who had been so much deep into management of earthily good and the joy of mingling with relatives. What had happened in these days to produce such change?
We can see three points in his spiritual journey, that is:
1. The need to detach himself from earthily goods;
2. To hope in God and to think only of becoming saints
3. To focus on the need for eternal life.
The consequences of these discoveries Cottolengo, lead to radical changes. Let’s take these two points:
- The abandonment to the Providence, that together with the detachment from earthily securities constitutes the hinge/axis/crux of the interior life of Cottolengo, and we may see even the point of hoping in God.
- The detachment from earthily goods is seen in the light of the precarious and uncertain state of earthily goods on one hand. On the other hand the awareness of the fact of the final judgment, where we will be called upon to give a report of our life.
We shall proceed from here in the next reflection.


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