No Longer Scared of the Sacred.

The night she died, her mood was high. Anita smiled frequently and broadly, talking energetically to those who came to see her. She wanted to share out all her riches--riches she had earned through sweat, her own sweat. For sure, the richer in experience a person's humanity, the more she is critical of herself, conscious of the limits of her human progress, conscious of her reality, the more she knows how and when to trust.

When you know reality through such people, a witness of this kind, your whole personality is engaged, not just your reason. Your whole personality is drawn to her and you notice in her values that fortify her.
"I will leave all my property to Agape Centre," she declared to her lawyer. "Please, change my will to suit this. I have already given my two children their share. My daughter lives like a queen just across the road. She owns that estate. My son lives happily in Thailand. He has enough to spend even if he were to retire at the age of thirty. When I retired after years of toil and moil, he took over Thima Jets. He runs them. So, this building here and all my money in the bank is to be legally handed over to the Agape Centre. The mentally handicapped could not work as I did. They deserve it. I have already signed an agreement with the Priests running the centre. They will reserve enough funds to cater for the many mentally challenged people with no one to take care of them."
When the advocate gave her the will for signing, she added, "No one should disclose the amount of money in my bank accounts. It has to be a secret between me and my God." Then, she signed it.
Placing the pen down, she took the crucifix and kissed it tenderly. Then, she closed her eyes. She opened them and said, "I am no longer scared of the sacred." She breathed her last.
Have you ever noticed that in the word scared there is the word sacred? You might be scared of the sacred. Reflect.


  1. How else do you dispose your wealth and exit the scene a heroine? yet, many people die holding unto property and all. This is not a mere anecdote, I think. It points at someone's life. I am warned by it.


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