Black, Dark, dull, Boring, [... &...]

Mukethi smiles frequently. Her smiles are spontaneous, eruptive and
broad. I'm writing about this for several reasons but especially for
the fact that her genuine and beautiful smiles are contagious. Let me
Mukethi embodies beauty not because of her body complexion. In fact
she has nothing about her that you could call physical beauty. Yet,
Mukethi stands out from among her agemates some who have lost their
natural beauty to creams and skin lighteners.
I stand to take the podium in defense of grace! While I do the
talking, I know that I am not fit to make a specimen. I will let
Mukethi's beauty take that role. Without seeming petty, let me propose
the measure of beauty.
Physical beauty is skin deep. You can lighten your skin only for a
day, I am told, by simply taking a tablet. That impresses the viewer
only for a while. In that case, you rely on others for you to feel
beautiful. So this kind of beauty is easily tampered with. It is
actually commercialized, a target of cosmetics industry. As such,
physicak beauty is costly to maintain.
Natural beauty, which is properly called inner grace, is above all
inner goodness. It is perceived through relationships. These same
relationship nourish it. Somehow beauty understood this way is the
capacity to open oneself spontaneously to others.
Mukethi bears all those qualities. She appeals to many but manages to
assert herself such that the term angel simply befits her. I have
asked her how she gets the attention many while in fact she is not the
cutest girl around. With her usually smile she answered, "Oh! Thanks'
it's so kind of you. If I do, which I am yet to prove, I will be the
living evidence that black or dark doesn't mean dull, boring and ugly.
Or what do you think?"
Now, what do you think?


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