The Daily Epiphany

The dorminant image of God in our daily lives is often ignored that discovered, celebrated and lived. We tend to forget that God is the Creator, who still molds us step by step, shaping us into the image of his Son. We are blind to God as the one working on us (with us, in the shared wisdom derived from St. Augustine) for our salvation. What surprises most is that while God is at work, we think that we are alone at work in developing our lives.

Just reflecting. What image of God do I portray to those surounding me? What do people see in the epiphany of my daily life? Do they see someone who feels alone and bereft by God? Am I so eager to take control of my life and that of others to the point of appearing like the God-head? Who said that the primary relationship between you and God is the law? If there is a law, it is simply LOVE.


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