Christmas this way


To know how to let love become real. To give love a human face. To give yourself totally to God so that incarnation may become a reality in your own family. To open wide your doors to one "'who is coming". These are the actions that should characterise our lives during this season.

Christmas is a priveleged time for each one of us to reveiw how much the "Word has become flesh" in his/her daily life. There is a type of life that allows space to novelty that comes with the Good News! That life, like a fertile soil where a seed is sowed, is the seedbed for the Word.

Some of the virtues that render  life fertile for the Word include: gratitude, enthusiasm for the Word, generosity, forgiveness ...


The divine self-emptying, the humility of God who chooses to be born human, is a stimulus for a sense of gratitude. God's creativity is so real that from that first coming, God continues to come. God's humility is still real. God is here, so close to us and in the most unexpected place. If you search for him in a place which you feel "worthy of God", as the magi searching for him in King's palace. You will be surprised. You have to follow the "Stella Cometa". The star will lead you to Bethlehem, yes, but out into the field. You will find him lying in a manger.

Our hearts. Won't you experience "burning joy and suprise in your heart"? Will we not feel the grasp of thanksgiving for such unmerited gifts?


No darkness can blur the light that shines deep within our hearts when the Word finds a place there in. The only perfection that wish for ourselves now should be this attachment to His word. The only devotion that we can assume and propagate is this devotion and dedication to the Word. Attachment to the word is like a deep friendship that  rids us of every sense of insecurity. We have a conviction that he is near. He is "God with us", Emmanuel. Yet, that presence "saves", Jesus. So it is a presence with a name. A name foretold by the Angel Gabriel to Mary, and revealed to Joseph too in a dream! He is here!

The zeal born from this God who has a human face is so propelling that we all can have a face to face the world. A face given to God! Enthusiasm for the Word,


Enthusiasm born out of the Word propels! Yes. You will be moved to share the discovery. You will wish to share the joy of the "Presence" with others. Whoever acts because moved by the Word of God will surely evangelize others, will plough, manure, and irrigate otherwise barren plots! The Word will eventually find a fertile ground to germinate, grow and produce its 90, 60, or 30 folds! One must advance from self-closed joy of "having the Word" to "sharing the Word".

Generosity is a characteristic virtue of a follower of Christ for the very fact that the joy of knowing Him is in sharing! Yet, because all come from Him, we will share other benefits also.


Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should respond to each one. [Col. 4:6]
Paul's words are direct. Fear not those who think that you are up to "something" simply because your language is refined, kind, and affable. That is the way one fed with the Word should live.
[quotations removed]


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