Sun Set!

I've seen the sunset today! Oh, not because it is the first time I watch the sunset. No. I have seen the sunset many times. However, this sunset is unique. It is the last of 2012. People, this sunset was beautiful! It is the crowning of a beautiful year 2012 (and the ushering of a new beautiful 2013!). yes, when one year passes and another comes, when we change the calendar and start a fresh, we have a chance to see life as it is. Life is turning a new leaf every day. Life is not about the old memories but these old ones and their birthing of the new ones! I've no wishes for 2013, or better, my wishes are already contained in the promises given in 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.... yes, in those years passed. Someone reminded me today that I have been busy and I look tired. That is obvious. Given the busy schedule of this year, I can only sit back and with a smile thank God. I'm surprised at how many activities I've undertaken this year and carried to completion. I'm surprised that I've managed to collaborate with so many people to complete the plans, all done in the name of doing the will of God. I can only thank God and all these people whose names have become synonimous with hardwork and love of God. I can only sit back and read my history as part of the history of salvation. Yes, it's a history marked by God's presence. St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo, faithfully and ardently, taught us his followers to keep in mind that we are always in the presence of God. What consolation! Even in the darkest moments of our days, we're in the presence of the unapproacheable Light! This truth renders all my fears null and void. It brings into my mind the Love that God has for us! Indeed, the Love of Christ possesses us(2 Cor. 5:14). We are enveiled in the mystery of the Triune God, whose mystery reaches us through Love. The year 2012,has symbolically been a missionary year. While the Church has been reflecting on New Evangelization, we here at Kisarawe too joined the Synod Fathers by bringing that perennial Message of the Love of God the Provident Father, even to the remotest corners of the vast Kisarawe parish (Archdiocese of Dar Es Salaam). We went on with the program of the Parish, accepting changes as they were proposed to us! We also welcomed new ideas in evangelization of the people, we sought help from within the parish and from without. This year has made us feel more like a Church, a walking church, a growing church. We have seen groups of children and youth, women and men, religious and lay, engaged in continouos dialogue with one another and thus develop a sense of participation never seen before in this parish. I must admit, the Holy Spirit has been leading this Parish all through. What shall we say of this sense of gratitude that fills our hearts now? We have to thank God for letting us end this year with enough energy and motivation to carry on even more pervently in the next year! Deo Gratias!


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