Corpus Christi: A Brief Reflection

I would like to share with you this reflection which is based on the question of the Lord Jesus himself, "Where is my guest room where I may eat the passover with my Disciples?" (Mk. 14:14) Easter is near. The disciple are aware of this. Easter with all its festivities evokes a sense of meaning and pride for them. Yet, this Easter is like no other. They are unaware. Jesus asks hospitality from a stranger. He wants to share this Paschal meal with them now because this is not "like any other" as the disciples think. Sorry. It is not even the "Last" as we think! This Paschal event is the "First". There has been no other like this! The one who welcomes Jesus is not even among his acquintances leave alone his disciples. Strange enough, this "Unknown" person has the room ready!Then stranger than this Jesus considers this room his room. Notice the question, "Where is my guest room...?" That room is His. My brothers and sisters, this is just what happens whenever the Lord comes to us every Sunday. Even in these days of ours when we pass through the rite absent-minded. Yes, even when we see "this Mass like any other"! The disciples thought so. And even when we call it and consider it the "Last". Besides the usual absent-mindedness, the routine, the coldness... besides these, Jesus comes into "His Room". People, Jesus comes. He comes hoping to find a room prepared. He comes even if the room wherein he enters is not "a large upper room furnished and ready!" He finds such a room in the heart of "unknown person". Why? What is missing today that we can no longer find many "Unknown people" who get their room ready for unknown guests, just-in-case he happens to come? How comes that our society no longer finds it worthywhile to host guests who pass by? By this lack of hospitality we have refused to welcome the Lord. We have closed not only the gates to our homes, the doors to our houses. We have also closed our hearts! My fellow followers of Christ, don't you think that we need to do something (each one of course!) to prepare a guest room in our hearts just incase Someone needs it! If our rooms are full of things to be sorted out, are we likely to have them "ready and furnished"? Let's sort out the necessary from the unnecessary, the dirty from the clean. By so doing we will be making a place for the Passover like no other. The First!


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