New Trends in Vocation Animation

Vocations Vocation, according to popular definition is the seed of the Word of God in the human heart which directs him to a certain way of life. It is, therefore, personal because it is found in the heart, a specific heart. It is at the same time profoundly social, because it is not meant for purely personal gains but above all for a community.Vocation must also be understood as sacred or divine wherein the divine touch is involved in the planting of that "seed" and in the response to that call within. Now, another definition of a vocation is a call. This seems to be part of the previous definition. I tend to value this kind of understanding because it insists on the human dimension of "being addressed", being in relationship with fellow human beings and with God. That relationship symbolised by a call is a two way affair. Now, man calls upon God in prayer in which case he requests, prays for his needs. On the other hand, God calls man to enter into a deeper relationship with him. This relationship leads man to discover his gifts/charism, and by so doing in discovering his mission. In other words, vocation entails three elements: call, charism, and mission. Example Let me pick the example of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786-1842), an Italian saint and founder of institutes of Consecrated life. He discovered his call to become a priest, which he actually pursued and was ordained. In the course of living this call, he got inspired and discovered "a call within a call" his charism. That day, September 2, 1827, Cottolengo discovered that he was required to witness the love of God the Provident Father, especially to the poorest brothers and sisters. He understood that he had to serve the poor. His mission was then presicely that: sent to the poorest. After having lived it faithfully, it dawned on him that he had received that special grace not for himself but for the Church. He started involving others, starting with the lay people, founding the Congregation of Sisters (1830), brothers (1833), and priests (1839). As if that was not enough he went ahead to found families of Monastic life, both of sisters and brothers. All this went hand in hand with new foundations of Homes for all types of needy people. St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo had been called by God to participate in the project of God of saving his people. He then became the voice of God in calling others to that adventure of its own kind. Vocation animation is actually a continuation of that calling and involving. EMERGING TRENDS IN DISCERNMENT There are new trends emerging which insist on tracing one's charism in order to find out/discern his vocation.First, certain indications can point toward one’s giftedness. The questions that we may use to help a young person discern giftedness are: What tends to be your unique contribution in a work or family or school setting? For what do you tend to volunteer? For what do people come to you? In what contributory activities do you feel most alive? What work have you been given to do, regardless of your job title? What do you do that leads to a rich interrelation of you, others and life? What is it about who you are that leads to rich interrelation of you, others and life? Another excellent avenue for discerning charism is to imagine what might be said about you at your funeral. Young people find it hard to think about their own death but this question arises as soon as a young person they might have known passes on. A eulogy will often capture much of the person’s life as an expression of charism. Believe me or not, people can speak the whole day of the same thing (charism) of a deceased person without knowing it. Yet, a keen reflection will show one what his or her charism might be. The third trend, acceptable from time immemorial and now regaining its position in discernment is group discernment. This involves setting up of vocations discernment group wherein members first are lead to learn to reflect on the Word of God and share freely. Slowly by slowly they break barriers and because time shared among them is time spent with the Holy Spirit, the breathe of the Word of God, they also listen more and more to the inner voice. Then, each member in turn accepts to be the "focus" and the members can now discuss openly his gifts, charism, and his vocation. CONCLUSION It is good to underline the fact that the best method in vocation discernment is not yet here. We still need to use all possible methods and sometimes use them all together for various reasons in order to help as many young people as possible. Spiritual guidance is particularly a privileged venue and method for vocation discernment, and can be an excellent way of animation. Meanwhile, Jesus asked us to pray for vocations. Let's do it often and willingly, constantly and faithfully.


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