The Tragic fact of Drug Addicts

help us see again!
That we may see again the tragic fact of
drug addicts, of alcoholics, of workaholics, and other addicts.
Open our eyes to see their tears, and our ears to hear their continuous cry.

Above all help us to open our hearts and do something to help them.

Lord,help us to find out ways to help them. Help us build a rehab for them,
a rehab that first of all is found in our hearts and then in buildings.

this group is ignored. Their poverty is overlooked. That already justifies our attention to them but especially because you want them to experience your love.


NB: Sometimes I wonder whether we are not too much interested in doing other things such that we fail to see the addicts right inside our homes, our schools, our parishes and even to see the addicts that we are!


  1. We need to make a pause now and then to reflect. I believe some of our deepest weaknesses can be done away with through serious reflection! By this I can't agree more with you!

    1. In LIFE in death we BELONG to GOD! (Rom. 14:8). St Paul's writings have a capacity to draw our attention to the fact of who we are. Thanks for your comment. Reflection is a medicine for many weaknesses in our lives, including some of the addictions.


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