Love and be Silent

I must release others
from all my attempts
to control, coerce, and dominate them
with my love.
In their freedom from me,
other persons want to be loved
for who they are,
as those for whoom Christ became a human being,
died, and rose again,
as those for whom Christ won the forgiveness of sins
and prepared eternal life.

This is the meaning of the claim
that we can encounter others
only through the mediation of Christ.

Love as the deed of simple obedience
is death to the old self
and the self's discovery to exist now
in the righteousness of Christ
and in one's brothers and sisters.

[Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Meditation and Prayer]

Why is there so much urge to hold on and control,
manipulate and use others?

Trinity blessed, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, hear us.
O Lord, deliver us from from this vice.
Teach us to let others free as you do.
To your glory and praise.


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