I Now Know Lord

Lord, I now know that my days are a gift from you. When I am down and weary; it is time to rest not to be restless. Troubled by your apparent silence, I now know you are always there, sitting besides me. Your presence is your answer!

Each restless minute spent next to you distracts me from noticing your presence, and I continue to feel down and down, lonely and bereft. Lord, it is then that you place your ever so tender right hand on me. Yet, deep into the dreadful distraction, I fail to feel that gentle touch, because so gently it is that only in calmness and stillness of heart can it be felt.

You raise me up then and I stand on the hilltop; to see far, farther than my vision is used to. You help me to walk on wearly land. Yet I forget that it is your strength and not mine. I fail to see that I am up on your shoulders. I raise myself up more than I am or can be.

Lord, I now know that I have to learn to journey with you, alongside you. I have to wait patiently as you point out the way. And when I am totally exhausted, as I fall asleep along the road, you do not wait patiently besides me. Rather, you hoist me up your shoulders and walk on.

Lord, now I know that you are my all!
Glory to you, Trinity Blessed!


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