Reflecting on Virtues: Humility

Humility is the other name for self-esteem. It does not mean to feel or see oneself like a useless worm. It does not mean to attitude of putting oneself for despise. It is rather the just respect for oneself. It means knowing oneself with all the limits and strengths, as one capable of starting anew regardless of the falls.

The humble student, for instance, prepares himself more for exams and works better everyday. He learns more because unlike the proud who think that they know everything, the humble person feels the need to know more. He does not do things just for competition. He instead collaborates more and gives space to others. He is not anxious to appear and become the center of attention. For him, there is nothing in him programmed for triumph all the time.

The humble person feels the need of others and knows how to involve them. He diffuses joy and lets the day flow without interrupting with worries. Precisely because he is humble, he manages to keep his calm and entertain others without outweighing them. He simply enjoys the presence of others.

In 2 Cor 12:9, St Paul is not afraid to state his weakness. He is actually assured by the Lord that in accepting his weaknesses, he [Paul] has opened doors to the grace of God, which is sufficient.

Let's reflect.


  1. Attention to the whole personality will be better.

  2. The humble person seeks his/her own good after that of the other. You cannot take a stand on issues of importance without reflecting deeply. That is humility.

  3. I agree with you. Humility consists precisely in having a balanced view of oneself.


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