Youth Ministry: Emerging Challenges

Cottolengo Sisters Collaborate with Cottolengo Fathers in Youth Ministry at Kisarawe Parish.

In our parish, many challenges affect the young generation. One of the emerging challenges is the lack of interest in spiritual and welfare activities organized by the Youth Ministry Team of the Parish. Generally, there is indifference to most activities which are of educative and spiritual nature. Most of the youth love to participate in the activities that are more entertaining and relaxing than whatever calls for attention, focus, and commitment.

We have started a new approach, which organizes activities for the small faithful group in order to attract the few who seem uninterested and unwilling to take part. Meanwhile, the team is continuing the one-on-one encounters with the youth hoping to help them revive their enthusiasm for matters spiritual.

The approach of Jesus in encountering the Samaritan woman remains our point of reference. [Have a look at John 4]


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