Lenten Reflections: Cottolengo Family
Lenten Reflections: Holiness as our Mission Statement (Acts 4:32-37). Introduction Today, I propose a reflection a little different from yesterdays. What are the characteristics proper to a Cottolengo Missionary? And on the other hand, what are the ideals of a Cottolengo Missionary? The following, I am convinced, are some of the essential characteristics of a Cottolengo Missionary: - One called by the Love of God to follow Christ in the Little House of Divine Providence, also called Cottolengo, and sent by her into particular missions. When Cottolengo started sending sisters to the provinces of Italy, he chose to enter into official agreements with dioceses and parishes. He demanded that the priests respect the particular life of the sisters. This was to safeguard their identity from influences that would water down their particular formation and spirituality. Today, this kind of risk is always high. Our duty as Cottolengo followers is first of all to be a different presence for ...