
Showing posts from February, 2012

God's Upward Calling

[This is an exerpt of a reflection given by a young boy during sharing the Word of God.] The destiny of the Christian who is called is to share a life with Christ in glory. [Rom 5:2] I realize that the promise is contained in the Word "in hope". Without that hope, the upward calling does not make sense. Hope raises my eyes up to the one who has promised me GLORY. I'm not seeking this glory that the world gives in abundance but that fades away easily. I thank God for you all, my brothers and sisters, my fellow youth and you Fr. Nicholas. This kind of sharing makes my prayer richer. I want to pray more when I discover that God desires it too. Thank you!

Strength for everything

Lent is a period or better a season wherein one reviews a number of setbacks in his life and tries to find remedy for them. It is a season calling for personal responsibility. To be Proactive is to accept and take responsibility for your life. You can't keep on blaming your parents or grandparents for everything. A Proactive person recognizes that they are "response-abled." Genetics, circumstances, conditions, or conditioning are not to blame for their behavior. They know they choose their behavior. A reactive person, on the other hand, is often affected by their surrounding. He/she finds external sources to blame for his/her behavior. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn't, it affects their attitude and performance, and they blame the weather. External forces act as stimuli that we respond to. Between the stimulus and the response is your greatest power--you have the freedom to choose your response. One of the most important things you choose is wha...

I Now Know Lord

Lord, I now know that my days are a gift from you. When I am down and weary; it is time to rest not to be restless. Troubled by your apparent silence, I now know you are always there, sitting besides me. Your presence is your answer! Each restless minute spent next to you distracts me from noticing your presence, and I continue to feel down and down, lonely and bereft. Lord, it is then that you place your ever so tender right hand on me. Yet, deep into the dreadful distraction, I fail to feel that gentle touch, because so gently it is that only in calmness and stillness of heart can it be felt. You raise me up then and I stand on the hilltop; to see far, farther than my vision is used to. You help me to walk on wearly land. Yet I forget that it is your strength and not mine. I fail to see that I am up on your shoulders. I raise myself up more than I am or can be. Lord, I now know that I have to learn to journey with you, alongside you. I have to wait patiently as you point out ...