
Is death really to be feared? Does death speak the last word? Without pushing far a reflection, the last word is from God's Son. You, being a son, or daughter of God then, you speak the last one. Is death to cause a scare, or push us towards overcautiousness? Even though it's not rare, death hasn't the last words, you know it, though not aware? It should be understood, not as a terminator of life, but as a passage to God, who stands as true Life, where joy and not strife, laden all who it ruled. It is transfiguration, in fact, a change for better. And so I should say as a christian, "I'm not afraid of death bitter, because I know I will be risen, by Him who promised life." "Eloi, Eloi!" we cry, a feeling of aloneness. yet, He's there as we cry, to cry with us and wipe our tears. He's God with us, saviour! Deo Gratias! Fr. Nick