Educating the Poor
There is a lot of talk on the importance of education for all. The Kenyan government took up an ambitious task of educating its populace in the year 2003. President Kibaki had been voted overwhelmingly even because he had promised free primary and secondary education for all. The announcement that education would be free was received with mixed reactions. Some people felt that it was a project bound to flop. Others applauded the move and even went ahead to pledge support. Years after that enthusiastic reception, we have many children out of school. Reason. Simple. You can not provide education without first of all providing the other basic needs. Mwandiki is an orphan. He is the typical case of the poor of this country. He has no one and nobody at all. He has been in the streets of Meru town for several years. When he showed up in a children's home, he was accepted on condition that he would follow the rules and regulations of the centre. Having lived free and loose with the sky as...